Hi all! I hope you're having a wonderful week! As you may know, the Cinco de Mayo promo is starting tomorrow at noon EST :) I have created 3 lists of different prizes that I will award for shots! Disclaimer: If you already have won previous prizes and you end up winning the same thing, I will have replacement prizes for you. I have gotten cool outfits and decorations for this contest! Swing by my room and buy me a few shots ;) Maybe some chips and salsa, too.
Soooo I tried making an official list on my bio, but apparently I had too much content and too much to say for it all to fit. Go figure! :PThis is my first bonafide, certified V-Day promo! I will be offering lots of fun prizes to get everyone in the spirit! Be SURE to follow me on Twitter @AmbriannaF4F to see the prizes. I will also be doing special offers on there, so check it oooot! I'm doing something new...I can't decide what to do with my hair, so you guys will decide for me! Every heart gets a vote, and I will give you guys options. 1) Every Heart will get a raffle ticket, a flash, 5 days in my Fan Club, and a hair vote. (3 winners)2) Every set of hearts gets raffle tickets, a special raffle ticket for a 2016 calendar, a dance, hair votes, a wheel spin, and one month membership to my Fan Club. (3 winners)3) Every Admirer gets their name on my heart tree, and a raffle ticket to win professional photoshoot pics and vids with my new hair color! (1 winner)If I place in the Hearts contest, every single person gets a special Valentine's Day video :)The top Heart contributor picks the Pandora station I play in my room and changes my Twitter name (please be realistic and respectful with this one!). I've never placed or truly aimed to win one of these promos, so it'd rock my face off to make this happen. Let's have fun!!!
SO SO sorry to the ppl who were kicked out of my room tonight. It kicked me out in the middle of a pvt, and I can't log back in :( :( :( I should be online for a little bit tomorrow. I hope you guys have a good night, and maybe I'll have better luck for a smooth connection tomorrow ;)nLove you all so much, kissesn-Ambri
Lovers! I'm sorry if you were in my room and all of a sudden got kicked out. I'm really sick, and I almost passed out, so I had to log off quickly. I'm gonna rest as much as I can tonight, and hopefully I'll see you guys soon. Love you all!!! *kisses*
Hey guys, I'm SO sorry I've been having tech problems tonight. I just got booted AGAIN. I'll try one more time :(
I'm sorry to everyone who was in my room last night who got kicked out of my room. I called the internet/cable company, and they were performing maintenance, and I didn't get the internet back until 6am. :( Sorry! Totally sucked
Thanks to everyone SO much for hanging out with me on my bday, and for those of you who sent me messages and gifts, you're amazing :) I feel so loved, and I'm such a lucky girl. You guys make me smile :D :D :D I'll be on in about an hour or so to be with you again tonight. Much love,A
Still sick! Sorry dudes. This sucks, I'm never sick! Quick reminder that my birfday is this Thursday!! Wooooo!
I'm sorry for logging off, guys. I'm sick, and I thought I could do it, but I just don't have any energy. Hopefully I'll be feeling better in the next few days. Enjoy your turkey leftovers! :PKisses and hugs,Me
Hey fellas!!! I have been here for TWO YEARS!!!! YAYYYYY! We've laughed, we've cried, we've hugged, we've cum...meow. I unfortunately can't get on tonight, BUT I will be on tomorrow to celebrate! Mark me in your calendars, cancel all your plans, and hang with me! :D :D :D Thanks for everyone who has stuck by me. I've made so many awesome friends. You guys truly are the best. Kisses to every single one of you. MmmmmmmMMMMmmmuuuuAHHH!! -Always yours, Ambri :)
Hey lovies, my friends are coming over before we go out to dinner and downtown, so I gotta put the toys away, lol! I know I said I was gonna get back on, but I'll be on tomorrow again. If you miss me TOOO much, then check out my VODs. I'll be with you in spirit and wet dreams :) See y'all tomorrow. *kisses and licks* -Ambri
I'm getting ready to log on soon. Drying my towels, putting on makeup, you know, the usual, lol. Cum join me, I can't be on long. Can't wait to see you guys, yayyy! MMmmmuah!! -A
SO, I'm logging on in under an hour. I got a pedicure, AND I have some different colors in my room since I ripped a huge hole in my other blanket during a pvt, lol. I'll see you guys soon. Don't be shy. May the fourth be with you! xoxo, Ambri
Hey friendz and loverz!! I feel like it's been FOREVER since I've seen you! I've been busy with getting ready for finals. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about ya ;) I will be on tomorrow (Monday), and get ready for me! I need to release lots of tension, hehe. And a special thanks to those of you who got me items from my wishlist (you know who you are.) I CANNOT wait for those to come in the mail ;) For those of you who are curious as to what's on my list, check it out, and e-mail me if you have a request for a specific toy or outfit, and I will most definitely add it to the list. School's coming to a close pretty soon which means I will be on a ton more (if you guys don't make me too sore, lol). Thanks for all you guys do for me. I will hopefully be adding more pictures to my bio, too. See you tomorrow, xoxo A
Hey guys, sorry I logged off all of a sudden!!! The power went out!! Hahaha, I was talking to you guys then all of a sudden everything went black. Creeepyyyy. Anyways, I will see you guys in a little bit! Hope you're ready for me ;) xoxo, A
Hey lovers, I've been working hard to log on for the past four hours, but I'm having serious software issues. So frustrating!!! Hopefully I'll get it fixed in the next hour or two... :( :( :( Mish you
Hey guys! I'm so sorry, I know I was gonna come back online, but I just started feeling under the weather...it's not fair! I'm NEVER sick :( I'm gonna rest up tonight, and I'll see you lovers tomorrooowwwww. Be ready for me...I'm gon' getcha!! Hehe xoxo, -A
Sorry guys!! My computer turned off by itself...so sorry if you got kicked out. I'll be logging back on for a tiny bit. Hope you're still horny for me! Whip those cocks out, lol. xoxoxoxo, -A
Hey lovers, my computer messed up on me. I'll be on again in a few min...sorry!
Hey guys, hurry and log on! I'm only gonna be on for a few hours. I'm leaving tomorrow for California for the holidays. Today will be my last time on for a week or so. Cum and get me :P Love always, Ambri
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